
Future Use of Knoll House Resource Centre -  Extract from the proceedings of the Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee meeting held on 8 June 2021

Date of Meeting:

1 July 2021

Report of:

Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law

Contact Officer:


Penny Jennings


01273 291065




Wards Affected:



            For general release



Action Required of Policy and Resources Committee:

To consider the report and agree the recommendations from the Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee.



(1)       That the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home be approved;


(2)       That a capital programme budget up to a maximum of £9.370m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed through capital borrowing and a Homes England bid. (or the difference between £9.370m and the sum released by Homes England) be approved;


(3)       That the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care be granted delegated authority in consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Resources to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure:

(i)     The demolition of the existing building;

(ii)    The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and

(iii)   The housing management, repairs and maintenance function.



Brighton & Hove City Council




4.00pm8 JUNe 2021






Present:   Councillors Shanks (Deputy Chair in the Chair); Fowler (Opposition Spokesperson and Mears (Spokesperson).





9             Future Use of Knoll House Resource Centre


9.1       The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care setting out proposed options for the future use of Knoll House Resource Centre.


9.2       It was noted that the Care Act placed a duty on local authorities to provide accommodation and support where needed and people with physical disabilities and brain injuries wanted to be able to live at home for as long as they possibly could with good quality care and support available to help them do this.. This report provided a summary of, and linked to, the Knoll Supported Housing Business Case which sets out the need to create 27 Supported Housing flats with care on site to prevent 28 people from having to move out of the area or into residential care and to provide opportunities for people to come back to the city.


9.3       Currently only 10 units of wheelchair accessible supported housing were available for people with physical disabilities and or brain injuries in the city. It was anticipated that by 2030 there would be more than 1.047 people with moderate to serious disabilities and personal care needs and that this would include more than 580 people with serious disabilities. Currently the city placed 55% more people in residential care than other areas and spent more on average per week. People with an average age of 55 were being placed in care homes for older people or out of the area in care homes or supported housing. It was recommended that the existing care home be demolished and that a 3-storey supported housing service block be provided containing 27 flats. The rationale for the recommendations and details of consideration given to alternative options was set depth.


9.4       Councillor Mears stated that although the report referred to the site being located in Hangleton and Knoll Ward it was in fact in Wish Ward. Councillor Mears also sought confirmation regarding how the scheme would be funded and what if any proportion would be funded from the General Fund and whether any element of it would be funded from Housing budgets. Councillor Mears referred to the Brook Mead Development which had run over budget and sought reassurance that sufficiently robust arrangements were in place to ensure that this did not occur in this instance. The Executive Director, Rob Persey, confirmed that the option proposed had been fully evaluated and had factored in experience gained from past schemes.


9.5       Councillor Mears also asked for clarification of the level of consultation which had taken place with neighbouring residents bearing in mind that the site was surrounded by residential blocks. It was explained that engagement about the preferred option had taken place with residents 2 years previously prior to the closure of the existing unit and that they had been kept apprised of the on-going situation as had Local Ward Councillors.


9.6       The Chair, Councillor Shanks, confirmed that she was aware of the detailed discussions which had taken place and the level of engagement which had occurred.


9.7       Councillor Fowler referred to the area of land which surrounded the building and asked whether local residents had been consulted regarding any future use of that. The Chair stated that she was aware that this area had not been in use for some time.


9.8       Councillor Mears stated that she considered that it would be appropriate for a more detailed map/plan to be provided which showed the proposed scheme in relation to the neighbouring residential development which included sheltered housing and absolute clarity regarding how the scheme would be funded. The scheme as presented now had clearly moved on considerably from what had originally been envisaged, it was complex and she queried whether it would be appropriate to defer decision making in order for further consultation to take place.


9.9       The other Members of the Sub Committee in attendance were of the view that it would not be appropriate to defer decision making in view of the need to secure funding for the scheme and to deliver it within the timeframe identified. They were of the view however that it would be beneficial for Members of the Policy and Resources Committee to be offered the opportunity to visit the site in advance of the report being considered by that Committee.


9.10    The Chair thanked everyone for their comments and then put the recommendations to the vote.


9.11    RESOLVED: That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee:


(1) Recommend to Policy & Resources that it approves the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home;


(2) Recommend that Policy & Resources Committee agree a capital programme budget up to a maximum of £9.370m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed by capital borrowing and a Homes England bid (or the difference between £9.37mm and the sum released by Homes England);


(3) Recommend that Policy & Resources Committee delegate authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care (in consultation with the Executive Director Finance & Resources) to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure:

(i)   The demolition of the existing building;

(ii)   The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and

(iii) The housing management, repairs and maintenance function.